Schools & nurseries
Speech and Language Therapy for:
- Speech and language assessment for individual children
- Identification of targets for children with speech, language and communication difficulties
- Therapy session design and delivery for individual children
- Therapy session design and delivery for groups of children
- Professional development training for staff in schools and nurseries

Why use Happy Talk?
• Speech and language therapy skills support success in school. They enable children to
o access all learning
o follow instructions
o actively contribute in class
o make and maintain friendships
• Ofsted now measure communication skills as part of their school and nursery inspections (Ofsted, July 2014; Ofsted, April 2014).
• Raising children’s communication skills will boost your school or nursery’s Ofsted rating
• Certain communication skills predict how well a child will later succeed in literacy (National Institute for Literacy, 2008)
• Language intervention is more effective in younger children (National Institute for Literacy, 2008)

National Institute for Literacy (2008) Developing Early Literacy Report of
the National Early Literacy Panel: A Scientific Synthesis of Early Literacy
Development and implications for Intervention.
Ofsted (2014) Conducting early years inspections. April 2014. No. 120087.
Ofsted (2014) School Inspection Handbook. July 2014. No. 120101.